Monday, August 18, 2014

Baby #2: 13 Week Update

We had two doctor appointments this week. On Tuesday, I met with my regular OB for our monthly appointment and on Friday we had our follow up with the High Risk Pregnancy Center (HRPC). Everything is looking great so far!

Gianna came to the regular OB appointment with us. It was theme week at school and this day happened to be "crazy hair day". Mommy had a little fun. :)

Gianna is also good at showing us her happy face and her sad face. We were having some fun in the waiting room before the appointment. Behold Gianna's sad face. Sometimes she lets out a little sigh when she does it and the bottom lip goes out. No, it's not her angry face...we are still working on that one.  Such a funny little girl!

Later in the week, we had our follow up at the HRPC. We got the results of the first trimester screening and everything looked great. We got to see the little one wiggling around and it's amazing what a difference two weeks makes.
I love that you can see the little fingers in the fist

Close up!
The extra testing I got showed a little something extra for me. It turns out I have two copies of a mutation of the MTHFR gene which can make me more susceptible to clots (particularly vascular clots). Doc says this is quite common and may mean nothing at all in this pregnancy. It could be why my migraines changed to those funky complicated ones though. I am taking a baby aspirin for now and we will see how it goes. Hopefully no more complicated migraines (I had one in week 8 of this pregnancy) but if I get another one, they will refer me to a neurologist just to be safe.

On Saturday night, we had Billy and Ally over for some Chinese food and Monopoly. Gianna was up for the first hour or so and had a blast playing! After she went to sleep the real fun began!

The four of us were so funny playing Monopoly! Marco and I are very competitive and like to win. Marco, naturally, is a great negotiator and was trying to make deals with everyone. It was quite hilarious and a lot of fun. In the end, I was the big winner. I am still basking in the glow of victory...

The end of the weekend brought week #13! One more week until the start of the second trimester. I can not wait. I have been so exhausted and am looking forward to getting some energy back. In two weeks we will find out the gender. I still have a gut feeling it is a boy but only time will tell. We definitely win either way and I am so excited to get the nursery started and start looking at little girl or little boy stuff. Here is the 13 week update!

How far along? 13 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still some shorts and capri's. Bloat belly is easily seen in the picture above.
Sleep: Up 1-2 times a night to pee. I am sleeping on my side/tummy for as long as I still can!
Best moment of the week: Getting a look at our little peanut!
Miss anything: Beer
Movement: Little bubble popping flutters, mostly at night before bed.
Food cravings: Not yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Little flutters make me feel a little queasy. No morning sickness though.
Gender: Unknown
Symptoms: Lower back pain, bloating, bloating, headaches here and there, TIRED!
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: No
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Finding out if baby Angioni is a boy or girl!

1 comment:

  1. Love and prayers to all! We will watch your progress and eagerly await news of the gender. Blessings and love in abundance!
    Aunt Gale and Uncle Joe.



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