Monday, August 20, 2012

29 Week Update!

This has been a jam packed week in maternity land. The week started out with getting my maternity belt and it has been a good investment. I am more comfortable sitting, driving, sleeping, etc. By the end of the day I want to rip it off but after a few hours I am glad to have it back on. We have also started epsom salt baths in the evenings and it has helped ease my back muscles. I think another prenatal massage is in my near future!

We are delivering at Summerlin Hospital and we went for our Birthplace Tour on Tuesday. This place is awesome! The private rooms (they are all private there) are huge and you labor and deliver in the same room, then afterwards are moved to a postpartum room. Everyone was really friendly. Of course, being the type-A person I am, I came prepared with my three pages of typed out questions (with a copy for Marco). There were like ten pregnant women on this tour and only two of them were not first timers. There were one or two others who asked a question, but for the most part I was the only one. I didn't ask every question on my sheet because the nurse answered some of them in the tour, but I for sure ended up being "that person" on the tour who had 50 million questions anyway. How do people not ask questions, especially if you haven't gone through it before?! I didn't even care. I asked my questions because in reality I don't care if those other moms have to listen to me or not, I care about knowing what is going to happen and what to expect. So there. LOL!

That night when we got home I had this sharp pain in the upper left part of my abdomen. It went away but then felt like it was bruised in that area. It was weird and it really hurt. I went to bed and when I got up it was still sore. At work, it bothered me the whole day. It was sharp a few times an hour and sore the whole day. By 5pm I was completely uncomfortable and starting to worry that it may have something to do with hernia #2. I know Gianna isn't that high yet so I knew it wasn't her kicking me. I called the nurse line and because I have the hernia she recommended we go to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. Good thing we got a tour the night before and knew where to go. So we spent Wednesday evening there and they monitored the baby and I. No pre-term labor, so we were instructed to follow up with my OB on Friday at our regular appointment.

We left the hospital and grabbed some dinner super fast because my 3 hour glucose tolerance test was the next morning and I wasn't supposed to eat within 12 hours of taking it. Thursday morning from 8am-12pm I made friends with the Quest Diagnostics lady and sat there for my four blood draws. It was incredibly boring, especially because they made me just sit in the waiting room but overall not too bad. I was starving by the end of it. The drink was worse this time, too but at least it was cold. It tasted like flat Sprite with three times as much syrup as normal. I got a little dizzy the first hour so maybe it was a good thing they made me sit there.

We had our 29 week appointment on Friday and everything is on track. Gianna's heartbeat was nice and strong in the mid-130's. She is measuring right on track. We started our kick counts and you are supposed to count 10 kicks/rolls/flutters within an hour. This little girl is super active in the evening and I got my 10 kicks in one minute. The mornings are another story. She is not a morning person (just like mommy and daddy). My doctor said she wants me to count the kicks once a day, at the same time every day. So we are going to continue to do the count in the evening. Also, the results of my 3 hour glucose test came back and I do NOT have gestational diabetes. Hooray!!!  We are far enough along now to be going to the doctor every two weeks. Crazy!

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: About 25lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No. I officially have the line now. :) 
Sleep: Still on and off. I slept through the night once in the last week- as in I didn't get out of bed to pee. I still wake up any time I need to roll over.
Best moment of the week: Finding out I don't have gestational diabetes. Our hospital tour.  :) 
Miss anything: Nothing specific but I know I am going to want a drink when this little one comes out.
Movement: All the time. :) I can't wait to see her wiggle in person.
Food cravings: Orange juice. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the "inside kicking".
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Lower back pain, heavy belly, overall uncomfortableness- same as last week with a sprinkle of sciatic nerve pain for good measure.
Belly button in or out: Still considered an innie.
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: Nope
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Maternity pics with Carrie Terrones! Our 3D ultrasound next weekend- Round #2. The wood floor should be in (fingers crossed) and the nursery is being started this week!

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