Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Baby #2: 11 Week Update

With my first pregnancy, lots of weird things happened in my first trimester. I had a subchorionic hemorrhage, I got my first complicated migraines, a hernia developed, etc. (You can read a little  more about that here.) We had our first ER visit at 6 weeks and by the time I was 10 weeks we had been there like 3-4 times. 

Well, for this pregnancy it hasn't been too much different. Halfway through week 8 I got my first complicated migraine. I was at work and all of a sudden the headache came, light spots were everywhere, and I was numb on the left side of my face. Luckily, I did not lose my speech this time. That always freaks me out the most. 

The beginning of week 10 started with me catching the stomach flu Gianna had a week prior. What a miserable experience. I went to Urgent Care to get checked out because the cramping was so bad. I figured I may be a little dehydrated, too so I wanted to get looked over. I drove myself because I didn't see the point is dragging Marco and Gianna with me to sit there for who knows how long. When I got there, the nurse took my blood pressure and said, "That can't be right." She took it again and didn't say anything. I told her it's usually a little low. When the doctor came in she told me my blood pressure was 89/54 and she couldn't believe I wasn't about to pass out. Whoops. Guess I shouldn't have driven myself.  I got hooked up to an IV for fluids and waited for them to kick in. My blood pressure went back up to 101/58 so that was better. I went home and took the next two days off to recover.

Overall, I have been feeling pretty good. The exhaustion hit at about week 7 and has been brutal. I think nursing has something to do with it. My body needs to make milk and also grow a baby and placenta. I am looking forward to week 14 and the second trimester.

Some differences and similarities I've noticed so far:

This time, my sense of smell went into overload early on (didn't happen with G). No morning sickness but I need to eat something in the mornings when I wake up so I don't get light headed (same as with G). I feel movement already. It's like little bubbles popping and it kind of makes me feel queasy. I can feel it right before I go to bed when I am still and it's quiet. I recognize the feeling but was really surprised it was this early. No kicking yet, obviously, but those early little flutters are there (flutters with G around week 15, first kick at 18 weeks). My boobs hurt with Gianna, but nothing this time (not complaining!). I'm not sure if that has to do with nursing or not. Bloating sucks. A lot. I hate it. It was bad the first time and it's worse this time because of the hernia. I know I need surgery to fix it and I wish I had it done already. It should become more comfortable once the baby moves up into my abdominal cavity but right now I have a deformed belly with a golf ball looking thing sticking out above my belly button. LOL!

Moving forward, my OB is referring me to the High Risk Pregnancy Center again. We went there with Gianna for the last six weeks or so because of the issues with excess amniotic fluid. He wants me to be monitored throughout this pregnancy because of these random issues, along with the fact that Gianna was 9lb, 5oz, and I will be 34 years and 8 months old when this baby is due. Apparently, that is just too close to being 35. :) We have our first appointment scheduled soon and I can not wait. We have not heard a heartbeat for this baby yet nor have we seen him/her. With Gianna, I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks because of the bleed. I NEED to see/hear this little bean!! We will also be getting the first trimester genetic screening done.

How far along? 11 weeks
Maternity clothes? I actually wore a pair of maternity shorts and a pair of capri's because the bloating and hernia were so uncomfortable. Today, I am wearing my regular jeans which fit just fine still. Just depends on the day.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not bad. Up about once a night to pee.
Best moment of the week: Getting over the stomach flu and our first High Risk appointment
Miss anything: Beer. I like beer.
Movement: Little bubble popping flutters, mostly at night before bed.
Food cravings: Not really. When I had the stomach flu I really wanted a Dunkin Donut. Ridiculous. I did not have one.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Little flutters make me feel a little queasy. No morning sickness though.
Gender: Unknown
Symptoms: Lower back pain, bloating, bloating, headaches here and there, TIRED!
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: No
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Making the announcement that this little baby is joining our family and Gianna is going to be a big sister.

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