Monday, September 17, 2012

33 Week Update: Braxton Hicks and AGD Pledge Class 2030

Gianna is getting bigger everyday and I am getting more tired and more out of breath. :) Her movements carry more oomph to them now that there is a lot less room in there for her. I have seven more weeks to go! I am carrying her very much in front so my belly looks huge like I literally stuffed a basketball under my shirt. I have been getting a lot of comments about how I must be due any day, like 45 more days actually.

We had our 33 week check up and Gianna is measuring 33 weeks, right on track. She is head down again! I hope she stays that way. I have been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and I had my first official cankle sighting this week, too. It was a sad day, lol. I sit at work all day so that is not very helpful for circulation. I need to keep drinking a ton of water and try to put my feet up more. We went to the San Gennaro festival this weekend and I paid for it afterwards. My legs, knees and ankles were so sore and by the time we got back to the car I had a cramp in my left foot that would not go away! I was still swelling the next morning so Marco came up with this method to keep the ice bags on my ankles. :) I laugh every time I look at this picture! The joys of pregnancy. I get excited when I can see an ankle now.

I will be taking full advantage of this perk for the next seven weeks!

I am being sent to the High Risk Pregnancy Center to have an ultrasound done to check my amniotic fluid. It looked cloudy on the last two 3D ultrasounds when before it had always been really clear. I don't know what that means but we should get a call early in the week to schedule the ultrasound and we'll go from there.

The nursery has a floor! The problem is that the floor is downstairs in the living room. :) The install starts this weekend and will hopefully be completed by next weekend and I can start putting everything together. All our shower gifts are in the living room with the wood floor and I am itching to start organizing. I want everything put away before she comes. I will have more important things to focus on then and don't want to have these other projects hanging over my head. Plus, I am running low on energy and this bowling-ball-belly makes it hard to maneuver around so the sooner I can get everything done the better. It's going to look great when it's done!!!

This weekend was also Jona's baby shower. I can't tell you how excited I am that we are going to have girls that will literally be the same age. Her shower was held at Buca Di Beppo and was a lot of fun. Here are some pics and our dueling bumps. I can't wait for Gianna and Olivia to meet! AGD pledge class 2030!!!

Here is the 33 week update! Part of me wants time to slow down because I have so much to do, but the other part of me is getting quite uncomfortable and antsy. I can't wait to meet Gianna and hold her and see what she looks like. Oh, and I would like to have control over my body back at some point. :)

How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? I need more tops, this belly keeps outgrowing things. A maternity small fits the belly but the shoulder area is too big. The extra-small fits the top but not the belly. Around and around we go...
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Ha ha ha!
Best moment of the week: The wood is here!!!!! Childbirth class. It's getting more real. Next week we have our final class and a breastfeeding class. 
Miss anything: Sleep.
Movement: Lots! She's super jumpy in there now that there is less room for her.
Food cravings: Orange juice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Backaches, one or two headaches. Swollen ankles. I think I'm officially waddling. :)  
Belly button in or out: In- super flat like a pancake
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: I had lots of Braxton Hicks this week. I had 20 of them on Thursday alone. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Getting the wood installed this coming weekend and putting the nursery together! Unpacking all our gifts and going through them again with Marco. Maternity leave.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana! I have enjoyed following your pregnancy! Who are you seeing at High Risk? I went there for both of my pregnancies. They took great care of me and my girls! Hope everything ends up being fine. :o)



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