Tuesday, August 7, 2012

27 Week Update- Officially in the Third Trimester Club

I am now a member of the Third Trimester Club. It's not a real club, but I am happy to be here nonetheless. :)  Part of me can not believe it's already here. I was so impatient in the beginning, waiting for the belly to arrive (and stay) and now it is here in full force. I've had two people ask me in the last week if I was sure there was only one in there. Yes, I'm sure! :) I always wanted twins, now I'm not sure where people keep the other one! LOL. The nice part was that this was balanced by two people telling me I looked small for where I am at so I figure it's a draw.

Gianna is moving more and more. She has started rolling across me in the last week or so. I have felt her up near my ribs, about an inch or so below them. It'll be another week or two before I get my first jab to the ribs but it's right around the corner. I have also noticed that I feel her more on my side this week. Usually she is front and center (and really likes to push on my belly button). I have also started to feel her on both sides at once, like she's punching and kicking me at the same time. She is getting really long! We moved to the new measurement chart this week. She is now measured (well, estimated) from head to toe as opposed to crown to rump. She is 15 inches long which is 2-3 times as big as she was at week 12! She weighs just over 2lbs.

I went for my glucose test this week but do not have the results yet. This orange drink wasn't too bad. It was warm and flat. Once you start drinking it you have to finish within five minutes, then sit there for an hour before they draw your blood. The first half of it wasn't awful. The second half kind of burned my throat a little. It tasted like super sweet orange Tang...or like the syrup from an orange Popsicle, without the deliciousness of an actual Popsicle.

My overall weight gain is within the normal/healthy range but I was concerned that I have been a little above the recommended monthly gain lately. My doctor wants to see if my sugars are normal and it was perfect timing for my glucose test anyway. I know not being able to exercise plays a part but I am hoping there is nothing else going on. If I "fail" the one hour glucose test then I will have to go for the three hour Glucose Tolerance Test. That one doesn't sound very fun at all.

We didn't take a picture this week. :( It's the first week we missed. Marco was in California and the weekend just flew by before I realized we missed it. I promise to have one for 28 weeks and on. I'm kind of sad we missed one!

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: About 21lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes. I have finally been recognized by the masses as pregnant. :) I like when people ask me when I am due. I don't like when people ask me things like if I "should be out? Looks like it's getting close." EW! Seriously?! (Thank you random dealer at the Aliante Station Casino.) I am seven months pregnant...what am I supposed to look like?! :) Actually, I have always wanted to be pregnant and I have always wanted to have a big ol belly so I guess I got my wish. Good thing I really like being pregnant!
Stretch marks? Nope! The dark line is super faint on the top half of my belly but I am confident to say now that I do believe it exists. 
Sleep: A little better this week, but still on and off. 
Best moment of the week: Getting stuff for the baby shower and also some items for Gianna's room. I can't wait to put her nursery together! 
Miss anything: Nothing specific.
Movement: We are now rolling and dragging elbows across mommy's tummy.  :) 
Food cravings: Nothing this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I think she kicks facing in sometimes (like she's kicking my organs) and it makes me feel like I drove over a bump too fast and my tummy is in my throat. It's more like a queasy feeling but not nausea. 
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: My back hurts more when I get up. I limp around for the first few steps. 
Belly button in or out: Still considered an innie.
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: Nope
Happy or moody most of the time: This week as a little better. Marco was out of town for a few days so I was super happy when he got back! 
Looking forward to: We are going for our 3D/4D ultrasound this coming weekend! I can not wait!!! I am shopping around to get maternity photos done in the next few weeks. Getting the nursery set up!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...the orange..it is better than the green though for sure! The green is like flat sprite...hope you are feeling well!



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