Sunday, February 26, 2012

February, Part II Valentine's Day Surprises

Sorry this post is late...I meant to have it up last week. The second half of February has been quite eventful to say the least. Valentine's Day marked half way through the month and brought with it an unexpected surprise. Not the fun, flowery, chocolate covered surprise but the 'you need to have two surgeries' kind of surprise. Clearly these are not the same.

I have been having problems with my feet for the last few months. I have these bumps on the outside of my feet, just below the pinky toe. They've been there for quite a while and cause me to search for shoes that are a little wider. Back in October the left foot started bothering me when I was walking barefoot in the house. I thought that was super strange. Then both bumps started hurting when I put my shoes on, while they were on, when I took them get the picture. I got an appointment with a podiatrist and the first available was Valentine's Day.

Let me back up a little bit. Marco says to me, "You totally have bunions." And I was like, "Listen, Mr.-I've-Never-Been-A-Doctor, I'm not 80 and bunions grow on the inside of your foot by your big toe." Ew. I do not have bunions. Turns out I have bunions just not that kind. These babies are Tailor Bunions, named after tailors because they sit on the floor Indian-style a lot to hem pants and the pressure on the outside of the foot causes the bone leading to the little toe to bend and this bump to form. Fab-u lous. They do not get better, they just get bigger. So, surgery it is. I want to have both feet done before I head to Dublin in June for work because of the amount of walking I will be doing. I can have them done about seven weeks apart. (Insert freak out here.)

After my appointment, we scheduled the surgeries for March 8th and April 26th (my brother's birthday). I was immediately thanked for ruining his birthday but was then told it was fine because I wasn't invited anyway...that's love! :) Lol! Stupid me watched a YouTube video of the surgery (I attached the one minute animated version). Not the best idea I've ever had. Basically what they do is shave the bone down on the outside of your foot. Then they break the bone leading to your little toe, stick a pin in it to realign it and voila! No biggie. Watching a surgery video (which I don't mind at all) is super different when it's going to happen to you...

The recovery time will suck. For two full weeks I am not allowed any type of pressure on the foot. My movements will strictly be from bed to bathroom to couch with nothing in between. The more I keep it elevated and iced the better. I will be an invalid for 14 days. Lucky for Marco and my mommy. Then once that joy is over, I get a walking cast for the following four weeks. One week later the next foot gets done and all the pressure will go onto the foot that was just surgerized. Amen for pain meds, I guess.

I know I need this surgery and I have about two more week to get used to the idea. I have my pre-op appointment on February 29th (Leap Day!) so I will get all my questions answered then. Right now, I am just trying not to think about how much it will hurt. I really hope I will be ok to go back to work after the two weeks are up. I don't know if I can drive, etc. I plan to do before and after pics and I'll have another post later but for now, onto our actual fun part of Valentine's Day....

Our actual Valentine's Day was nice and quiet. We don't usually go out on Vday because it's so crazy. Sometimes we'll go out to dinner the weekend before or after but we don't really make a big deal out of the day. :)  Marco picked up some pizza from our favorite place, Settebello, after work and brought it home. We had some Almond Champagne and some heart candy for dessert.

Bella got a new toy which she really had a good time playing with. I took video of her but can't figure out how to get it on here yet. She's pretty darn cute so it was a perfect fit. Overall, it was a pretty perfect night snuggled with the hubs and the Boo on the couch. My favorite place to be!

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