Monday, June 27, 2011

Wednesday, 6-22-11 Fancy Lunch and Billy Elliot

Today, I did not go to class. I was to attend the International Law class on the first two days because it is the first class of the day. Then on Monday, I stayed and went to Finance and on Tuesday, I went to International Marketing instead. From seeing the classes in action and hearing about the assignments, class structure, style of instruction, etc I can say this will be a challenging few weeks for the students. I may pop in to one or two more classes, but I am more looking to document the co-curricular and experiential learning that occurs. For example, I will be going with the International Marketing class to Harrods tomorrow where they will examine different marketing strategies.

I did, however, go to Leicester Square this morning with Jim and Aimee (Richard Mason's wife). We were able to purchase half price tickets for everyone to see Billy Elliot tonight. I really wanted to see Wicked again, but the tickets were not discounted and paying 37 pounds is much different than paying 75 pounds. :) The show is tonight and I think it will be a fun experience. After we returned from Leicester Square (pronounced Lester) I ran into Jim and Carina. Carina is an MBA student from UNR. The three of us went to lunch together to Jim's favorite indulgence while he's here...the Chicken Cordon Bleu. I was happy to go and try it. After lunch, I met up with my students and Yu he decided he wanted to go to see Billy Elliot, too. Carina and I went back to Leicester Square and purchased two more tickets- one for Yu and one for her.

On the way back from Leicester Square, Carina and I passed this little french pastry place that we have been drooling over since we got here. I can't pass it without staring in the window and ogling all the pastries,etc. We succumbed to the pressure and went inside. I got an eclair. It is less expensive if you choose 'take away' as opposed to sitting in the restaurant to eat it. That is cost effective, but kind of disappointing when you want to sit outside at the little cafe tables. It's one or two pounds more, but bothers me to pay to sit. Either way, the eclair just as delicious eating in the lobby of the dorm.

After dinner at the dorm, we took the tube to the theatre. Sabrina kept telling me I needed to see a show while I was here and I am glad I did. It was a fun experience with my students. Dinner was fun. We got a little fancy and Marie and Aimee bought a bottle of champagne. They shared it at dinner with Jim and I. We got to the theatre with about 5 minutes to spare. We found our seats and Yu and Carina had seats a few rows from us because their tickets were purchased separately. Carina decided to trade Yu in for Berto Yu sat with the rest of us. Interesting...hmmm. Annie, Emily, Alex, Yu, Marie, Aimee, Mike and I all sat together. After the intermission, Carina and Berto snuck into the box seats. Mike tagged along, too. I think they would have got away with it, but Berto kept taking pictures and the flash gave them away. The show was fun. It took a little while to get going, but the kids stole the show. The boy who plays Billy was amazing. What a career he will have!

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