Thursday, January 21, 2010

Raindrops....And the Dog

It has been raining here all week. I can't really remember the last time this happened when it was so consistently wet. I like the rain. It's a nice change from the usually monotonous weather. Even thought I like the change, I am realizing more and more that I could probably not live on the east coast again. It's not like there is a realistic chance of that anyway, but it's still the unfortunate realization that I am now a west coast girl.

Bella, the best dog in the history of the world, hates the rain. She refuses to go outside to potty and she doesn't like the feel of the raindrops on her or the smell of the rain. I know this and still try to take her out and shield her with the umbrella. It's quite a scene, I'm following her around holding the umbrella over her as she tries to circle around and find her spot. She usually starts out like it's not so bad, then changes her mind mid-circle and darts across the backyard back to the door. Then she's all wet and stinky. So, yesterday we set up the potty pad even though she knows she is not allowed to potty in the house. I just felt so bad for her. She holds it all day long while we're at work (usually....she is a very spiteful dog and we will sometimes come home to a surprise in front of the fridge) and when she wouldn't go in the morning, I knew there is a 9 hour gap until she'll have the chance again. So, we set the pad right by the door she uses to goes out. Being the creature of habit she is, she decided to pee in front of the refrigerator instead. It was seriously a gargantuan sized pee! We have those large 16" tiles in the kitchen and she covered like 6 of them, not including underneath the fridge! Of course it catches in the grout and just keeps spreading. It was everywhere!

So, yes, I like the rain, but it ends up turning my dog into the peeing queen of the west so I am ready for it to be over. We were smarter today and left the potty pad in front of the refrigerator...

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