Monday, September 8, 2014

Baby #2: 15 Weeks, It's a BOY!

Turns out, my mother's intuition is spot on! :) I am two for two. Baby Angioni is a boy! We are so excited to have a son. I have such a great relationship with my brother and am looking forward to Gianna having that same experience. We went to Miracle In Progress for our gender ultrasound. Who can wait until 20 weeks for the anatomy scan to find these things out?! Certainly, not us. They guarantee results after 14 weeks gestation and it was pretty darn obvious there is a boy in there (especially after seeing what a girl ultrasound looks like).

Such a handsome profile!

We invited our families over to share in the reveal. We did something very similar to when we revealed that Gianna was a girl (here). My mom and brother were there along with Marco's parents and his grandma.  Instead of cake pops, I baked cupcakes the night before so all I would have to do was dye the frosting color and fill the cupcakes when we knew what we were having.

All the cupcakes are filled with blue frosting on the inside. Everyone picked a cupcake based on what they thought / hoped we were having.

Billy and Marco's grandma thought it was a girl. My mom and Marco's parent's thought it was a boy.
Take a BIG bite!
It's BLUE!


We had some fun with the mustaches that were in the blue cupcakes. Love that we get to have one of each!

Gianna was so eat cupcakes. :)

We are naming him Marco Angioni, III. He will be called Marco and we are already teaching Gianna his name. Both Marco and I agree there will be no nicknames for this baby (Marcolino, Tre, Junior, etc). Gianna knows there is a baby in mommy's belly and will point to it and say, "baby". We are teaching her to say "brother" and now when we point to mommy's belly we say "Baby Marco" is in there! It's so cute to hear her say all of those words.

I also had my first introduction to the sad excuse for a baby boy department at Target. I know there are more selections for girls out there (particularly for clothes) but OMG it was like 1/4 of the size of the girls side. I was able to find a few cute outfits for Marco on clearance. I thought it would be smart to scoop up some summer clothes that were on their way out so we would have them for next summer. I also got some little onesies and I love the one with the built in tie. :) Shopping for a boy is much different than for a girl. I totally hate that most things are sports / dinosaurs / cars, etc (similar to how I stay away from all the princess stuff for G). I tend to prefer patterns or colors. I think there will be a lot of Polo shirts and newsboy hats in our future. :)

I totally love this chevron blanket!

How far along? 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still mostly bottoms but the dresses and most shirts are still regular. There is much less bloat in this pic but you can really see the hernia popping out. I can't wait until I'm a few more weeks along and the baby moves above my bellybutton so the hernia adjusts.
Sleep: Not too bad. Up once or twice to pee, and usually once or so with G.  It's amazing what you get used to. 
Best moment of the week: Finding out we are having a SON!
Miss anything: Not right now.
Movement: Little flutters here and there. Waiting for the first real kick!
Food cravings: Not yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My prenatals are harder this time around.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: I am still really tired. I feel like this was subsiding a little at this point with Gianna but not yet with this one. 
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: No
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Getting nursery ideas together, starting to plan Gianna's second birthday, fall and decorating the house, baking a little more!

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