We made friends with the nurse who taught our childbirth class and I texted her about my progress. She said I could always go in and have them check me for progress. By 11am they were 6-7 minutes apart and some were more intense than others. She did warn me that if my water broke that it would be like Niagra Falls....she even included the umbrella emoticon. :) I knew I wasn't in active labor but I was pretty sure Gianna would be making her appearance by Monday.
As Saturday went on they got further and further apart. How incredibly frustrating. I went over to Billy's house for dinner and we went for a walk. At this point I am always sure there is a towel in my car or something for me to sit on just in case. Billy thought this was hilarious and took this pic of me and texted it to his friends. It's ok- you can laugh. It is pretty funny. :)
By Saturday night my contractions were not regular at all so I stopped timing them. It's like they just totally disappeared. I went to bed Saturday night and woke up my normal 3-4 times to pee and only had a contaction wake me up once. Oh, well. I took it in stride. Gianna will be here when she's ready.
Then I woke up Sunday 11/4 and that day was a bitch. I'd had it and it just kind of all came out. I made it through a day of false labor and really felt like she was going to be here this weekend. I was in a bad mood most of the day and just completely frustrated. I can't get up off the couch without assistance. I can't sit in the car for more than a 10-15 car ride before I want to jump out. I can't make it up the stairs without stopping to catch my breath three times. I can't sit. I can't lay. I have three times the amount of fluid I should at this point in pregnancy and I seriously may just have to drain it myself at this point.
I think my hormones are fluctuating too because I seriously cried at the drop of a hat that day. I wasn't like that the whole pregnancy. If anything, I was surprised that I didn't have much of that at all. Marco and I went to brunch at Marche Bacchus in Desert Shores and sat by the lake. It was relaxing even though I was so uncomfortable. Then we stopped and picked up some pastries and went to my moms for a bit. We sat by the pool and hung out and my mood got better.
That evening Nannina came over before heading back to California. She was in town hoping to be here for Gianna's birth. When she left she had a little chat with my tummy and let G know that she could come out at any time. If anything changed we were to let her know and she'd stay in town. That was all we needed because I went into labor about an hour after she left!

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