Saturday, 10/27/12: 39 weeks, 1day
I slept good last night. Marco made brunch and we hung out and watched college football most of the day. In the late morning (after complaining via text that there was no progress) I went to pee and lost (at least part of) my mucous plug. I was pretty excited- at least something was happening, but we know that it's not a sign that labor is imminent. It could be a day or a week, or two weeks. Hopefully now, I will start dilating. My doctor has tried to strip my membranes for the last two weeks but my cervix was still posterior so he couldn't reach them. Maybe this will start some movement in there.
Sunday, 10/28/12: 39 weeks, 2 days
Today is our goddaughter, Stella's, first birthday!!! I can't believe it's been a year since she was born. We can't wait till the Adkins' come down and visit soon. Sabrina was really hoping our girls would share a birthday but that wasn't in the cards.
Monday, 10/29/12: 39 weeks, 3 days
High Risk appointment at 8:30am. I still make the appointments early because Marco has to go to work after. Fluid level was 29cm. It keeps going up which is really frustrating. The nurse kept saying she felt so bad for me and she couldn't imagine how uncomfortable I was. I realized that I don't know anything else. This is my first pregnancy so I have nothing to compare it to. All I know is that I can't move and it's going to be like Free Willy when my water breaks!
Tuesday, 10/30/12: 39 weeks, 4 days
Superstorm Sandy hit last night. I was able to hear from my cousins and they were all safe. I always worry when things happen in New York and its so hard to just sit and watch it on TV. Jillian and my Petitto family are all ok. I got a text at 5:20am from a friend who took a picture of my house in Massapequa with trees down in the yard. It's funny, but it's still my house! I have to drive past my house every time I go back. I get offended when they change something. Lol. It seems others share the same sentiment and I love that!
Not much happening on the baby front. I lost more plug today, which is gross. I feel like this is my first real day of leave. No 8am doctor appointment. I slept in till 9am. Not one thing I have to do on my calendar. I vacuumed, dusted and did some laundry. Then I went to Kohls and Babies R Us.
Marco is feeling a little under the weather and is taking Zicam to try and fight it. We made it a soup night and caught up on the DVR. No signs of labor.
Wednesday, 10/31/12: 39 weeks, 5 days Halloween!
Observation: Daytime tv sucks with the exception of The Price Is Right. I made an appointment to meet another pediatrician and had that at 1pm. It was super cute and the whole office was dressed up for Halloween. The doctor was Daffy Duck and I bet the kids loved it.
Next year we will have our own little one to dress up. I bought a Halloween outfit for Gianna in case she came early but in true Tufano (and AGD) style- she's gonna be late.
Thursday, 11/1/12: 39 weeks, 6 days
We had our High Risk appointment at 8:30am. My fluid was at 22cm. Gianna was practicing her breathing and was monitored. She's doing great. I could see my contractions on the monitor. They're still Braxton Hicks but it was neat to see then on the monitor- probably because they aren't painful yet.
I slept like crap the night before and was super tired when u got home from the appointment. I pretty much lounged around on the yoga ball and then took a nap. Usually on Thursdays, I have dinner with my mom and Billy while Marco plays basketball. I was so tired I didn't even want to go out. We ordered a pizza and they came over instead.
Friday, 11/2/12: 40 weeks DUE DATE!
We had our 40 week OB appointment at 8:45am. The doctor checked me and I was 1cm dilated. My cervix shifted so he was able to strip my membranes. OMG, that's no joke. It hurt- a lot. Afterwards, I was 2cm and now 80% effaced. Last week I was 50% so that's a good jump. She is still at a -2 station and bobbing for apples in there with all the fluid.
After my appointment I felt crampy and like she was lower. I met Billy for lunch and the 25 minute drive each way was not fun. After lunch I thought it would be good to walk around a bit so I went to Homegoods but I didn't last long. You know something's not right when I leave that store early. :) I just needed to go home and lay down for a bit to take the pressure off my pelvis. My contractions have been a bit stronger and kind of feel like cramps.
On Friday night I had consistent contractions every five minutes for about 3 hours. By midnight I figured it was a good idea to go to sleep. Only time would tell if I was in false labor or what.
I slept until about 1:30am then the contractions woke me up. They slowed down in frequency but picked up in intensity. We didn't go to the hospital because they weren't painful enough. I think she'll be here this weekend!
How far along? 40 Weeks!
Maternity clothes? This dress is not. :)Stretch marks? Some above my belly button.
Sleep: Ok.
Best moment of the week: Sleeping in.
Miss anything: The usual.
Movement: She's still moving around good in there. We joke that she;s bobbing for apples in all that fluid!
Food cravings: I still drink orange juice but don't "need" it like before.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Yes. lolFood cravings: I still drink orange juice but don't "need" it like before.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Girl!
Belly button in or out: In, it never popped.
Wedding rings on or off: Off.
Labor Signs: 2cm dilated, 80% effaced, -2 station yet nothng is happening.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Holding my baby! (not the labor)Happy or moody most of the time: Happy

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