After one of our High Risk appointments I was driving to work and was thinking about things. For the last six to seven months of Bella's life we had to take her to get fluids three times a week. Now, we are going twice a week to get my fluid levels monitored for Gianna. I found it ironic/coincidental/appropriate. I'm not sure what to make of this but I found it comforting in a way.
Our 37 week OB appointment was on Friday. We are now considered full term and Gianna could really come any time now. I am still at a -1 station, no dilation, no effacement. We've been hoping she'll be a November baby so we'll see what she does. I'm starting to feel more and more like she's going to come late. The good news at this appointment was that my doctor said he would be shocked if she made it to 8lbs. That made me feel better. Group B Strep test was negative and I got another flu shot. Braxton Hicks are more frequent and seem to be lasting longer but nothing regular yet. The swelling in my feet and ankles was pretty bad towards the end of the week and my little piggies looked like super big fat piggies. I have been having issues with my fingers being stiff for the last few weeks but this week they started to get a little puffy and I had to take my wedding rings off. I have a different ring on so technically I'm still married. :)
This week our water heater stopped working and we needed to get a new one. I took the day off and we were able to get it replaced and installed in the same day. I wasn't paying attention and posted on Facebook "Broken water heater tonight. Awe-some. :(" without realizing that people may read that quickly and think that my water broke. Not so smart on my part. Sorry, everyone! I still have my water. :) While off, I got Gianna's closet organized and it is staggering how much clothing she has! Marco said we are totally screwed if this is the expectation we are setting for her. The nursery is almost done- I just need to print out pictures for the frames. I promise pics of the whole thing soon!
We also has Gianna's car seat installed at Summerlin Hospital. We have one car seat and two bases so we can each have one in our car without having to switch it over. I thought we did a good job installing the bases the night before but when we got there they took the whole thing apart. It was like "how many people does it take to install a car seat"... I should have taken a picture. At one point there were four people in my truck trying to get the darn thing in right. It's never coming out. Ever.
It only took until week 37 but I finally got my hospital bag packed.
How far along? 37 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes. Still some regular tops (like tank tops and those little sweater things that go over them and are open)
Stretch marks? None- I really hope it stays that way!
Sleep: Not awful.
Best moment of the week: Getting the car seat installed. It's weird driving around with it in there but kind of cool getting used to it.
Miss anything: Not being uncomfortable constantly.
Best moment of the week: Getting the car seat installed. It's weird driving around with it in there but kind of cool getting used to it.
Miss anything: Not being uncomfortable constantly.
Movement: More hiccups!
Food cravings: Orange juice. I've gone through five Simply Orange containers in the last week. There are three new ones in the fridge right now. Bologna. Boar's Head, pork and beef. On a bagel (sesame or salt). With swiss cheese and spicy mustard. Get. Out. Of. My. Way. :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Overall I am just super uncomfortable. It's hard to sit and my pelvic bones and hips have not been happy this week. Driving is also becoming harder. Swollen feet/ankles. Food cravings: Orange juice. I've gone through five Simply Orange containers in the last week. There are three new ones in the fridge right now. Bologna. Boar's Head, pork and beef. On a bagel (sesame or salt). With swiss cheese and spicy mustard. Get. Out. Of. My. Way. :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Belly button in or out: In- super flat like a pancake. Maybe it won't pop out at all??
Wedding rings on or off: Off this week. :( Another side effect of all this extra fluid.
Labor Signs: Nothing real yet. I guess this is the point where this one becomes more important. Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Cleaning the house (nesting much?!), MATERNITY LEAVE!!! It starts on October 25th and I will be one day shy of 39 weeks. Note to self- just stop working at 37 weeks next time.

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