We went for our second high risk monitoring on Thursday. Gianna's fluid levels were 26cm, 2cm higher than on Monday. The nurse said not to worry about it too much because it was not a "significant" increase. It could have just been her position today, where they took the measurement, etc. She said to be more concerned if I come in and am measuring like 35cm- then that is a problem! What they are looking for on the ultrasound is to make sure there is adequate blood flow to the placenta and cord. Having excess fluid can put more pressure on them which would result in not enough oxygen getting to the baby. We could see on the ultrasound that she was practicing breathing. It was really neat to watch. Then, when I was being monitored she got the hiccups again. Since then, I have felt her have hiccups two more times. I like it.
Her current weight (approximately six and a half pounds) at 36 weeks puts her in the 69th percentile. The nurse said that they will typically induce early (at 39 weeks) if the baby measures in the 90th percentile- which she doesn't (thank goodness). The nurse said the hardest part of having excess fluid is that the mom is even more uncomfortable because the belly is bigger than it may normally be (yes- that is for sure!). I am still carrying her all in the front so my bowing ball / basketball kind of feels more like a medicine ball. We will continue to be monitored twice a week to be sure our little munchkin is doing well. So far so good. :)
I also had my Group B Strep test this week. It wasn't bad at all and I should have the results early next week. At this visit (35w6d) my nurse practitioner decided to check my cervix. The conversation went like this:
Nurse: This is going to hurt.
Me: Ok, great. Guess the strep test wasn't what I had to worry about today. :)
Nurse: No, really. This is going to be very uncomfortable.
Me: Fantastic!
--performs exam, Marco comes over to hold my hand because I'm like, woah...
Me: Holy shit, that hurt! Labor is going to be awe-some!
I was at a -1 station so baby is nice and low in my pelvis already. The nurse said she thinks I'll deliver sometime in the next three weeks (not exactly rocket science though). We go for our next OB appointment next Friday (10/12) and we will officially be full term-37 weeks.
How far along? 36 weeks
Maternity clothes? I am down to about 4-5 things that fit and for some reason I have not yet gone to get more clothes. I picked up some pajamas and slippers for the hospital and am trying to get my hospital bag packed. Gianna's bag is ready to go.
Stretch marks? None- I really hope it stays that way!
Sleep:A little better.
Best moment of the week: So much nursery progress! Marco has been working overtime.
Miss anything: Good sleep. Being comfortable. Breathing. Fitting into spaces I used to. :)
Best moment of the week: So much nursery progress! Marco has been working overtime.
Miss anything: Good sleep. Being comfortable. Breathing. Fitting into spaces I used to. :)
Movement: More hiccups!
Food cravings: Orange juice- it's a little ridiculous. I will classify this as an official craving. I really can't get downstairs fast enough in the morning to have some and I chug it. Also, I am back on a bologna kick but haven't stopped to get any yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Pregnancy insomnia, stiff fingers, swollen feet, achy back, TIRED!!! I am going to try sleeping with hand braces to see if that held the stiffness in my hands.Food cravings: Orange juice- it's a little ridiculous. I will classify this as an official craving. I really can't get downstairs fast enough in the morning to have some and I chug it. Also, I am back on a bologna kick but haven't stopped to get any yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Belly button in or out: In- super flat like a pancake. Maybe it won't pop out at all??
Wedding rings on or off: On
Labor Signs: Still getting Braxton Hicks but less this week. High amniotic fluid- hopefully no pre-term labor! I get more contractions during the week while I'm at work and less on the weekends. Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, getting everything else organized and put away. Installing the car seat, packing my hospital bag. Meeting our baby!

Congrats mama! So happy for you!