In happier news, Marco went to a daddy class at Summerlin Hospital this week called Due Dad's and got to visit with Cobra Kai Baby. No mommy's allowed! :) He said it was great and had a lot of practical information. I ordered the last few items for Gianna's nursery and hope to have it finished in the next week or so. I can't wait to share the pictures! It is coming out better than I ever could have imagined and I love it! Special thank you's to the grandma's who helped to make it amazing! My mom bought Baby G's furniture and bedding, and Nonna helped us with the wood floor. This little girl is so loved!! We have had lots of help along with way, including my friend, Tiffany (and her hubby, Jeff) is a furniture restorer extraordinaire and refinished the changing table I bought off of Craig's List months ago. I originally though, "Oh, how hard could it be? I'll just paint it..." Hahahaha! That's funny. I really have no idea what I was thinking. They made it beautiful and I am so thankful for their talents!
The reality that I will be full term in two weeks is setting in and I am overwhelmed! There is still so much to do. I am at the point where I am ready to have her here now, but not ready because everything else isn't ready yet. As long as she doesn't come early, I'm good. I think I can get everything done in the next two weeks, just in case. Billy just bought us the Pack and Play and it should be here next week (thank you!). I am so excited to put it together and get it set up as our changing table/nap time area downstairs. Everything is washed - just waiting to be put away. :) Gianna's stroller and car seat stare at me daily from the hallway and I just can't believe she'll be in them so soon. Which reminds me, we need to install the car seat and get it much to do! I should probably pack my hospital bag too...
Our 35 week doctors appointment went great. We met with a different doctor for the first time and I love him! I may have to switch to him permanently. He confirmed that Baby G was still head down and showed Marco how to feel how she is positioned. It was really cool. She measured 37 weeks and he estimated that she weighed about 5.5 lbs. He said there is some subjectivity in measuring fundal height and that I was in the normal range. He also recommended trying to wear wrist braces at night to help with the carpal tunnel. I will try it and see how it goes.
I went for a prenatal massage and facial at Belly Bliss Spa this weekend and it was heavenly! I really needed it.
UPDATE: We went to the High Risk Pregnancy Center today (10/1/12) but I am including it in this post instead of waiting until next week. We were sent there because the tech at Miracle in Progress (where we got the 3D ultrasound) had commented that my fluid looked "cloudy" and to follow up with my doctor. To be safe, my doctor referred us to the HRPC to get checked out. I couldn't get an appointment right away and had to wait nearly two weeks. I am really glad my doctor decided to send us. My fluid is NOT cloudy at all and looks fine, but there is too much of it. At 35 weeks I should have around 10-14cm of amniotic fluid and I have 24cm. They took measurements of baby G and her arms, legs and head all measure on track for 35 weeks but her belly is measuring big at nearly 38 weeks! Usually this is seen in babies where the mom has gestational diabetes, but I don't. They estimated her to weigh six and a half pounds right now, which if I went to 40 weeks would make her a nine pound baby!! Yeah- can you say c-section?! At least it explains this gigundo belly. :) Good thing it's one of my favorite part of being preggo.
High levels of amniotic fluid can lead to bed rest and pre-term labor. We now need to be monitored twice a week (ultrasound and external monitoring) to keep an eye on it. It looks like our November 2nd baby may just be an October baby after all. We'll keep you posted. In the mean time- I can not procrastinate any longer and need to get that hospital bag packed now!
How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? Do you see this belly? :)
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep:A little better.
Best moment of the week: Getting the furniture and bedding in the nursery. It's almost done! There is going to be a little girl in there soon enough!
Miss anything: Good sleep. Being comfortable. Breathing. Fitting into spaces I used to. :)
Best moment of the week: Getting the furniture and bedding in the nursery. It's almost done! There is going to be a little girl in there soon enough!
Miss anything: Good sleep. Being comfortable. Breathing. Fitting into spaces I used to. :)
Movement: She is rocking and rolling in there!
Food cravings: Orange juice- oh how I love thee.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Pregnancy insomnia, stiff fingers, swollen feet, achy back, TIRED!!!Food cravings: Orange juice- oh how I love thee.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Belly button in or out: In- super flat like a pancake
Wedding rings on or off: On
Labor Signs: Still getting Braxton Hicks but less this week. High amniotic fluid- hopefully no pre-term labor! Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, getting everything else organized and put away. Meeting our baby!

Hey Dana, Marco, Gianna and {{{{{Bella}}}}}. I've been reading your blog this afternoon, albeit 9 months late, but I'm glad to get to know a little bit about you all. My condolences and healing vibes to you all on the loss of your Bella. We have lost pets over the years and know how much this affects the family. And, congratulations on your upcoming Blesses event!! Just a few more observations....We also have many cookbooks and look to make recipes out of them. Our favorites too are Giada, Bobby and Mario. We have made the Arugala and Beet salad and it is one of our favorites! I like your PIPSQUK plate. My Dad Lou tells me when he was growing up, everyone in the family had names....ex: Beloved Mary was Tre Butz (triple belly) and Uncle Max was Totie O Toto (cause of his stutter). I'll let you know the rest after I ask him again. My vanity plate reads "CLAPTON". I've enjoyed reading your blog, love the pictures and will def keep up to date!! Love Vito & Dee Battista