It's baby shower time!! It felt very strange to be far enough along in this pregnancy to be able to have a baby shower. It really is flying by! The shower was hosted by my mom and mother-in-law and they made it so special! They did everything from the decorations to the food, good wishes and favors. It was perfect. :)
We had about 35 people join us at my mom's house on Saturday. The generosity of our family and friends was overwhelming. I swear it took over two hours to open everything. Gianna is a very lucky little girl and is so loved! Marco and I are very blessed to have you all in our lives.
I didn't know it at the time, but my mom literally furnished Gianna's wardrobe for an entire year! Those brown and cream boxes contained more baby clothes than Babies R Us! |
Before all the food came (and there was SO much food!) |
Advice for the new parents and wishes for Gianna! |
Giving advice to the new parents |
Our family and friends are incredibly generous! |
The yummy cupcakes my mother-in-law made! |
My mommy and I! |
The lovely hostesses and I! Thank you for such a beautiful shower!!! |
Mande and I |
So much cute stuff! |
Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?! Thanks, Samantha! |
Love the diaper cake, Marissa! |
So many generous gifts! |
Thank you, Nonna! |
"Firsts" for Gianna! |
Grandma had a book made for Gianna. It was very special! I can't wait to read it to her. |
My godmother, Aunt Gale, made Marco this adorable scrapbook to keep track of all his "daddy firsts" |
He loved it! |
With Zia Nannina! Gianna can't wait to meet you :) |
The cute cookie favors made by Linda |
Putting daddy to work already! |
The house is starting to be "baby-fied" |
We also started our childbirth classes at Summerlin Hospital. Our nurse teacher is very nice. There are only two other couples in the class so it's nice to be in such a small group. We have another doctor appointment coming up next week. My fluid looked a little cloudy at the last 3D ultrasound so we'll see if they send me for a medical ultrasound to check it out. I am anxious to know if she is still breech. (You would think I'd be able to tell but I can't figure out which end is up with her!)
In other exciting news, I have a new baby cousin!!! My cousin Christy gave birth to her son, Zachary Kenneth over the weekend! He is beautiful and I can not wait to meet him. He came about 5 weeks early but is perfectly healthy and both mom and baby are doing great. It makes me feel the urge to pack my hospital bag immediately. :)
THE WOOD IS HERE!!!! Those are four little words I never thought I'd hear in the same sentence. We picked it up and it is "breathing" in the living room. It will be installed this coming weekend and I could not be more excited!
How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain:
Maternity clothes? Yes but still some regular dresses and tops.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: What is that?
Best moment of the week: My baby shower!
Miss anything: Sleep.
Movement: She is nocturnal. :)
Food cravings: None this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I think the "inside kicking" is actually Braxton Hicks.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions have started. I noticed that every time I felt queezy my belly would also get super tight. Turns out that contractions make me feel sick and these aren't even the real ones yet...
Belly button in or out: In- super flat like a pancake
Wedding rings on or off: On
Labor Signs: Nope, just Braxton Hicks which are normal at 32 weeks (as long as I am not having more than 4 in an hour).
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Getting the wood installed this coming weekend and putting the nursery together! Unpacking all our gifts and going through them again with Marco.
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