I am not teaching BUS 103 this year because I will miss part of the semester for obvious reasons. My friend, Tiffany, is teaching my Honors section this fall and I am very grateful she was able to step in. My class is in great hands! The other cool development is that Marco is teaching a regular section of BUS 103 this fall! He can now add UNLV Part Time Instructor to his repertoire, too. I have been busy helping both of them get their sections ready so even though I am not teaching, it kind of still feels like I am. I will be guest lecturing throughout the semester in different sections as well.
My mom's birthday was this week. We took her out to dinner at Brio and surprised her with tickets to see Wicked at the Smith Center next week. She was excited! On her actual birthday, she came to our house for dinner. Gianna got her grandma a birthday present, too. :)
We went for our doctors appointment this week and met with a new nurse practitioner. We'll meet with her for our next appointment, too then we go back to my OB. She was very nice and Gianna was measuring 31 weeks, right in track. She was also head down, which was exciting!
The next day we went for our third 3D ultrasound hoping to get a full look at Gianna's face. We got some better pictures this time but also found out she flipped again and was breech. She still has plenty of time to flip and stay head down. With how much moving she's been doing lately I am not surprised that it keeps changing.
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I think she looks like a little Tufano, but we'll see when she comes out. :) |
Our maternity pictures are in and they came out great! We placed our order and I can't wait for them to come in. I will post them here when we get them. My baby shower is this coming weekend and I am SO excited! My mom and mother-in-law are hosting it and I am really excited to see everyone. We have also been making progress on Gianna's nursery. Marco, Billy (thank you), and I did some more painting over the weekend. It's really coming along. We are still waiting on the wood floor- maybe this week? Probably next week. Maybe in December...
How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain:
Maternity clothes? Yes but still some regular dresses and tops.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: What is that?
Best moment of the week: Seeing Gianna better on the 3D ultrasound.
Miss anything: Sleep. Sleep: What is that?
Best moment of the week: Seeing Gianna better on the 3D ultrasound.
Movement: She is nocturnal. :)
Food cravings: Still liking orange juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the "inside kicking".
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: My lower back has been bothering me. The epsom salt baths and my belt help a lot. Welcome back first trimester tiredness. I did not miss you. Food cravings: Still liking orange juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the "inside kicking".
Gender: Girl!
Belly button in or out: In- still kind of flat.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Labor Signs: Nope
Happy or moody most of the time: HappyLooking forward to: Childbirth classes. My baby shower this weekend! Ordering the last few items for Gianna's nursery. The stupid wood.
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