Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Trip to Reno/Tahoe for Stella's Baptism

Marco and I headed up to Reno for the weekend for our Goddaughter's Baptism. It was the first time we got to meet Stella in person and we have been looking forward to this trip since she was born back on October 28th. Sabrina was due with Stella on 11/1/11 and this year I am due on 11/2/12 so the girls will be exactly a year apart (give or take a few days) and I think that is really neat. It will be fun to watch them together as they grow up.  We stayed with Sabrina and Steve at Sabrina's parents house. I just love them! They are the kindest people you will ever meet and took us in like we were part of the family.

The flight up on Friday morning was really early. We were up at 3:45am and left the house to drop Bella off at my mom's at 5:00am. Our flight left at 7am and we were in Reno a little after 8. The nice part about that ridiculously early flight was that we got to spend the entire day with them. Steve and Sabrina just bought a new house and are moving into it this week. After a yummy breakfast at one of their favorite places, we took a ride over and saw their beautiful home. I can't wait for them to move in and start making some amazing memories with Stella there!

She is just the cutest! She has the sweetest personality and is so content. She is a little over 7 months old and wants to walk. Forget about crawling, that's too slow! :) I love it! She likes to take laps around the house. She has these big blue eyes and a little bit of red hair. She is going to break some hearts!!!

Taking laps...
and making daddy bend over a lot!

Saturday was Stella's Baptism, It took place at the Chapel of Carmel which is the church Sabrina grew up in. It is nestled in the hills and has the most amazing view! We got ready at the house then headed to the church.

The Adkins family!
This is the view from inside the church. It was amazing!
This is the same dress that Sabrina and her sister, Sam, wore for their Baptisms. Now it's Stella's turn!
The altar
I thought the ceiling of the church was really neat!
I don't have any pictures from the actual ceremony, but Sabrina's mom took a bunch. :) Here are some of the family pics after the ceremony.
Sabrina's parents and grandparents
Parents and Godparents
Me and my girls :)
After the ceremony we went back to Sabrina's parents house for a party. There was lots of food and everyone was happy to celebrate with Stella!
Stella's Great-Grandma's!
On Sunday, we headed out for a day at Lake Tahoe. Now, the last time I was there I was on a SWAT trip at Heavenly during winter break in college (so my memories are a bit hazy....). Needless to say, it's a very different experience to go as an adult. Tahoe was GORGEOUS! The weather was a little chilly the whole time we were up north, but on Sunday the wind died down and it was a beautiful day. We stopped at a nice place on the Lake for lunch. Afterwards, we headed down to the water to put our feet in. It was freezing! The Lake is filled with runoff from the mountains so all that melted snow doesn't heat up much. The water was crystal clear and bluer than blue. This will be a fun place to take the girls in the summer!
There is still snow on the mountains!
The water was so clear!
Me, hubs, and baby girl! :) I hope she loves the beach as much as I do.
Love birds
People enjoying a day at the beach...even though it was 65 degrees
After lunch, we headed back to the house to spend a little more time with Stella (and the pups) before we had to head home. I am going to miss her so much. I am really looking forward to our families spending time together so our girls get to know each other and also so we can be part of Stella's life. I can't wait to see all the great things she's going to do. With such great parents, this little one is destined for great things!
Hanging with Uncle Marco!
She loves carrots
Hi, Auntie Dana!
Trigger! He is a Doberman and loves to play ball (but doesn't like to give the ball up)
My girl, Gwen! Love her.
Trigger waiting for his ball
Trigger's paw was the size of my whole hand...such a change from our 12lb Bella! Marco was loving it :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Thanks for sharing this trip on your blog. It is an absolute pleasure having you and Marco as Stella's godparents!



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