Monday, June 11, 2012

19 Week Update and Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Marco and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary this week! Each year, we try to stick to the traditional gift list (ex: Year 1= paper, Year 2= cotton). Year 3 is leather. We got pretty creative the first two years and even made some gifts but this year I feel like our anniversary snuck up on us. It's probably because we are so focused on baby girl coming that the time is flying by.  So this year we went shopping together and got each other practical leather gifts. Marco got me this really cute leather Coach bag that I can use in Dublin, or anywhere we travel. I got him a new pair of leather Nike basketball sneakers (so he can stop wearing the $10 Walmart specials that are falling apart!). They are in Rebel Red and he is SO excited about them. I know he can't wait to rock these at the Rebel games this fall. He's so cute!

We went to dinner at this little BBQ place we really like and it was a nice, quiet evening and spending some time just the two of use was really nice. I posted our wedding highlight reel online and it was really fun to watch it. It brought back so many great memories from that day. We usually bust open a bottle of Almond Champagne (our favorites, and it was stocked at our wedding) but this year it was off limits. :) There's always next year! Here are some of my favorite pictures of us from our wedding day!

How far along? 19 weeks 
Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
Maternity clothes? Mostly the bottoms.
Stretch marks? Nope, still using my Mama Bee oil.
Sleep: Pretty good
Best moment of the week: We celebrated our three year anniversary on June 6th! :) 
Miss anything: Beer
Movement: Lots of bubbles and a few little kicks in between. I'm feeling a little more.
Food cravings: None this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: I have had a few sharp pains this week that were low and on one side or the other. I'm guessing it's some round ligament pain.
Belly button in or out: In. 
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: No, thank God.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend in Reno (never thought I'd say that!) with the Adkins family for Stella's christening! Also, I leave for Dublin in less than a week! Our 20 week ultrasound.


  1. You are so cute!!! Love this blog and the wedding pics!!!

  2. Look at that bump! How exciting! Happy Anniversary! Have fun in Dublin! :)



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