Tuesday, June 5, 2012

18 Week Update, Dr. Appointment and FIRST KICK!

OMG, this second trimester is flying by! It is so much smoother than the first trimester and I am really enjoying being pregnant. I love that I have a growing belly and can't wait until a stranger recognizes me as being pregnant. I think I'm starting to look the part. :)

This week I have been feeling the bubble flutters a lot more. It's been happening during the day while I sit at my desk at work.  On Thursday (5/31) the day was almost over and I was at my desk when out of no where if felt like someone 'flicked' me...from the inside. I stopped what I was doing and just sat there. It was a very distinct 'flick' and different from anything else I had been feeling. I waited for it to happen again so I could convince myself that I didn't make it up, but it stopped. I told Marco and my mom about it who agreed that it was probably me feeling her actually kick for the first time. We had our 18 week appointment scheduled for the next day (Friday, 6/1 on my birthday) so I wanted to see what the doctor had to say. Sure enough, he said I should be feeling her any time now and that was probably what I felt yesterday! YAY FOR THE FIRST KICK! I could not have asked for a better birthday present!

The rest of our 18 week appointment went great. Everything looks good and I am right on track. We will go for our second trimester genetic screening sometime next week, then our big ultrasound will be right before I head to Dublin. The little red dots on my chest (and now my arms) are not broken blood vessels, they're just from the massive amount of hormones in my bod. Sweet. Nothing to do about them, they'll eventually go away.  My hernia has gotten bigger but there is nothing to do about that either. Just be careful, don't lift heavy stuff, etc. Overall, he was very happy with our progress and her little heart was beating loud and clear, nice and strong. Still incredible every time.

How far along? 18 weeks 
Total weight gain: About 9lbs
Maternity clothes? Pretty much the maternity capri's, but all regular skirts, dresses and tops.
Stretch marks? Nope, still using my Mama Bee oil.
Sleep: Not bad this week.
Best moment of the week: Feeling Baby Girl kick for the first time! It stopped my in my tracks. :) 
Miss anything: Nope
Movement: Felt the first kick and waiting for more!
Food cravings: Still liking fruit but no real cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Is it possible for my boobs to get any bigger??? Apparently the answer is yes. I swear they are the source of most of my weight gain. Sigh. Noticing some lower back pain this week. My center of gravity is definitely shifting.
Belly button in or out: In. 
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Labor Signs: No, thank God.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: More kicks! Getting everything installed for the nursery, getting the first furniture delivery, ordering her bedding and picking out paint colors, etc. Going to Reno to see our favorites, the Adkins family!

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