We are going to have a little baby Angioni and are so completely overjoyed, excited, surprised and every other overwhelming emotion I can think of. It doesn't seem real. How we got here is another crazy story in itself but everything happens for a reason and when it's supposed to so we are just thrilled to have this blessing.
We had decided to start trying after the new year knowing it could take some time (average 4-6 months of trying) before we actually conceived. We were just kind of winging it in January so for February I decided to try those home ovulation kits. Basically, you pee on a stick every day and it detects a hormone surge that comes 24-48 hours before you ovulate so you can time your baby making. :) I had a few friends who have tried this and it worked for all of them. For the first two weeks of February I was doing this but the stick never said I was ovulating. Apparently, your surge may not last 24 hours and if you are only testing once a day you could miss it. Then on Valentine's Day we got the news about my surgery and I was really upset that this meant we had to stop trying and put our plans on hold until May or June. I had a pretty hard time with that but knew my surgery was necessary and in the long run it was better to have them done now. I stopped peeing on sticks...for the time being.
Life was continuing as normal and I was preoccupied with my surgeries, getting everything at work done before I had to leave, etc. We had a great weekend in California with some friends and also got to visit with my sister-in-law for brunch, which was fun. When "Aunt Flo" didn't make her appearance as expected the next week I didn't think too much of it. I figured I was having a longer cycle that month and gave it a few extra days. When nothing was happening at all I started having conversations with myself. "You can't be preggo, you're having surgery." "You stopped trying half way through the month, that would just be crazy talk." Regardless, if "Aunty" didn't arrive by Monday morning, I was going to test... I was completely convinced she was still coming and I was being ridiculous.
I was late to dinner at my mom's house that Sunday because I had an AGD event on campus. I stopped at Walmart on the way to her house to buy a "real" test (ie. name brand) and I knew I already had one generic test at home. Better safe than sorry. Low and behold, Monday morning no visitor. I got up and took the generic test. I swear to you, as I was peeing this damn stick was already turning blue. WAIT! What the hell does that mean?! I don't have the instruction booklet...there are two lines...is that good?! STOP PEEING and go get the "real" test! So that's what I did. I ripped that other test open as fast as I could and it was fighting me every step of the way. I don't know how Marco didn't wake up! I couldn't get the f-ing cellophane wrapper off! Finally I did, and continued my pee. Two very distinct, very dark pink lines appeared instantly. First Response is kind enough to print what that means on their tests. I just sat there, staring at these two positive pregnancy tests in total and complete shock.
I got all teary and couldn't stop smiling. It was the most crazy swirl of emotions. I kept saying, "Oh my God!" over and over. I went to go wake up Marco, with the tests in hand. He woke up and I hold him, "I think we're going to have a BABY!" He was so excited and it was the best reason to be up at 6am ever! He gave me the biggest hug and I cried a little, of course. I had wanted to plan a fun and creative way to tell our families, but I really thought we had a little more time so I wasn't prepared. I had to bring Bella over to my mom's house that morning for fluids so that's when I told her. Actually, Bella told her. :) She was very excited to be a Big Sister and just couldn't contain herself. Needless to say, Grandma was over the moon and her reaction was incredibly priceless, and deafening! :) I called and woke Billy up. I figured this was an acceptable offense since it was news that he was going to be an uncle, and it was. Marco called his parents and his sister and that night we had both Grandma's and Billy over for dinner to celebrate with us.
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Pretty flowers from my mother-in-law |
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My first belly pic! 4 weeks, 2 days by my estimation (before we went to the doctor) :) |
So far, I feel great! I've had a little bloating and cramping, I'm peeing a bit more frequently, and I'm a little tired but overall just very aware of my belly like I've never been before. I'll post updates (shorter ones) as we progress and share pics, too. We are just thrilled and can't wait until we meet our baby!