We have been looking forward to Halloween for the last few weeks. Gianna learned a pirate song at school that quickly became one of her favorites. She knows all the words and sings it all the time. When I stumbled across a preggo Halloween shirt on Amazon that had a little baby boy pirate skeleton I knew what the fam was going to be this year! Pirates! Argggg! :)
Gianna was SO excited! We went in search of the perfect pirate costume and made a really big deal out of it when we found one. She kept saying, "I be a pirate!" and would carry around her costume. We had to pry it away from her to buy it. We rehearsed trick or treating in the days leading up to Halloween so she would know what to expect and she had it down the day of. We had a little party at our house and there were about ten of us. It was such a fun night!

I don't need candy, mom. I have goldfish! |
We went around the cul de sac and visited our neighbors then went around the neighborhood a bit. She did such a good job saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". She is such a polite and sweet little girl. There were a few dogs along the way that stole her attention, especially the one that was dressed up. :)
When we got back to the house, Gianna had a blast transferring the candy from bucket to bucket! I think this was more fun than actually getting the candy.
With her booty! |
How far along? 24 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Yes, please. Still a few regular shirts in there.
Sleep: Better. Sometimes only up once - sometimes not at all.
Best moment of the week: We had such a fun time celebrating Halloween!
Miss anything: No.
Movement: Lots of kicking and rolling! He's a night baby just like big sis.
Food cravings: No.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the vitamins.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Lower back pain. It's harder to roll over at night. Still super tired.
Belly button in or out: In but flat.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Labor Signs: No
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Ordering Marco's bedding and glider and getting his nursery ready!
Gianna will be turning two on 11/5! OMG, how is that possible?!